Friday, August 15, 2008

Under Contract

That's right, you heard it first, right here! Our house is NOW under contract to be sold! There is of course, the 15-day "due diligence" time period that encompasses the buyer getting their loan, performing inspections, etc. etc. that we have to go through, but once that's done, we are LOCKED IN. August 31st is the magic day when this contract is solid as a rock, and we gotta start packing!


  1. So, you're saying you two are about to become a part of the "homeless" portion of our society? We will put up the:
    sign at our house and reserve a place for you to stay.

    Your bonus room was definitely a challenge given the short time frame but I knew we could do it.

  2. Rock on, bro. Great news. Had fun at the game with you Saturday.
